fly fish·ing
maybe your stature as a fly fisherman isn't determined by how big a trout you can catch, but by how small a trout you can catch without being disappointed. - John Gierach


second salt saturdays

8:00am - 11:00am
Location: Rincon County Beach Park

Free instruction & introduction to fly fishing in the surf. All equipment provided for 6 anglers Check calendar or call Joseph to confirm. Contact: Joseph 805 705-3208

Visit our 2nd Salt Saturdays page: click here

2nd tuesdays monthly meetings

2nd Tuesdays of the month (sans December)
Open to the public!
6:15-7:00pm > social time / meet & greet.
7:00-9:00pm > Club business & presentation.

Goleta Valley Library
500 North Fairview Avenue
Goleta, CA, 93117 ~

3rd saturdays casting

Fly Casting Clinics led by Ted “Doc” Ceder

9:00 to 11:00AM at Berkeley Park in Goleta
Bring your own gear or we'll have gear to borrow.

Sometimes we will cast in other locations like the Santa Ynez River, so please check our calendar page to confirm: click here.

Visit our casting page: click here


Fishing with friends, creating memories.

Please visit our outings page:
more info

fly tying · the art of

fly tying classes covering beginning, intermediate and advanced tying. Usually held in the beginning of the year. | more info


protecting our waters and all living things

trout in the classroom

Through a classroom experience of hatching fish eggs and coordinated activities, students experience first-hand the value of aquatic environments, the balance that must be met to maintain and preserve California's fisheries and aquatic habitats, and how their personal actions affect these valuable resources | more info


in the know

view our monthly newsletters | click here


The Santa Barbara Flyfishers are dedicated to promoting the art of fresh and saltwater fly fishing, catch and release, conserving our natural resources and contributing to our communities. We provide youth programs, fly tying, fly casting, and rod building classes as well as good camaraderie through monthly meetings and group fishing trips.